TouchStar Launches The Android TS82 and TS72 Series

14 February 2019

Manchester, 14th February 2019. UK Based Manufacturer of
Rugged Mobile Computers, TouchStar Technologies announced the latest addition
to the TS Series product suite, the android handheld and TS72 truck
mounted terminal.
Powered by the latest high-speed processor technology and
the next generation in mobile operating systems – Android, the TS82 and TS72 rugged mobile computers provide the ideal hardware solution for warehouse and logistics-based
applications. With both devices maintaining the robust credentials of
the previous TS series, the combination of high impact polycarbonate plastics, metal
alloy chassis and the use of Sorbothane® rubber shock absorbers allow for an
extremely reliable solution and prolonged life within robust environments.
Both devices allow users with mobile access to web-oriented applications
and VT emulation, streamlining operations for increased productivity and
accuracy. Available with an array of
communication options, Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1 and 3G/4G, users stay
connected wherever they are and whatever task they are performing.
Designed in conjunction with TouchStar’s
extensive user base, the latest generation in the TS80 series, the “TS82”
further enhances the existing 80 product range with a lighter and more
ergonomically designed mobile computer.
The highly durable hard capped keys are optimally
positioned to provide ultimate user comfort in scan intensive environments. The
dynamic data collection capabilities of the high-resolution speed laser scanner
and advanced imaging technology allow for both close range and extreme
long-range scanning capability. Not only this, the availability of a hot
swappable battery guarantees continuous operation and reduced downtime,
maximising output and increasing workload efficiency.
Providing excellent visibility in all lighting conditions,
the TS82’s rugged touchscreen combines with the high-performance of the
colour 5M pixel camera to provide startling productivity and efficiency gains
for all supply chain scenarios.
For more information click here.
Our designers have worked hard to achieve industry-leading
ruggedness to ensure that the TS72 withstands the most extreme environments.
Designed to be versatile within all warehouse and logistics operations, the
TS72 provides a robust, user-friendly mounting solution, allowing the
terminal to be perfectly positioned for the user across all makes of forklift
truck and material handling equipment.
Replacing the “prone to damage” physical keyboard with
a fully capacitive QWERTY keyboard, the TS72 integrates an easy to use, robust touchscreen input that is fully resistant
to contaminants such as dust, oil and water.
Combined with the high definition graphics and keyboard the
TS72 provides outstanding readability in both direct sunlight and all ambient
lighting conditions making it the perfect overall solution for harsh and
demanding environments.
For more information click here.
Capitalising over 30
year’s history within the UK manufacture and support of rugged mobile devices,
TouchStar provide the long-term support to guarantee seamless operation,
reduced downtime and a low total cost of ownership for your hardware estate.
See the exclusive launch of both devices
at the upcoming Intralogistex event, 26th & 27th
February, Ricoh Arena, Coventry.