03 January 2023

Rugged devices are known for being reliable, efficient and
long-lasting in the most challenging conditions, making them a valuable asset
to many businesses. Conducting regular device management is key to their success and helps keep rugged devices up to
date, reduces downtime and ensures they are running as efficiently as possible.
However, even with regular management, it’s possible that
your devices are still running a legacy operating system. With this comes a few
potential issues, such as out of date security and your device being
incompatible with the latest software. In this article, we’ll discuss legacy OS
in more detail and why it’s important to keep up to date with the latest
operating systems.
What is a legacy OS?
A legacy operating system, or legacy OS, is a name given to
an operating system that is no longer widely used or has been replaced with a
newer or updated version of the technology. This often means that the legacy
version of the OS is no longer supported by new devices, there will be no more
software updates available, and no more security updates.
For many rugged devices, Windows CE is now a legacy OS with
Microsoft no longer supporting or developing the software. Although many
businesses are moving to Android, the devices which still use Windows OS will
likely start encountering issues.
No OS is impenetrable – they all require ongoing security
maintenance to ensure the system stays protected. With a legacy OS, a major
issue that will occur is the lack of security updates to fix newly-identified vulnerabilities
that can affect your business.
The rugged devices that run with a legacy OS are therefore
easier targets for those seeking unauthorised access as they have a choice of routes
to penetrate the vulnerable system through new viruses. This could lead to
malware being uploaded and affecting any device connected to the same network,
such as other rugged devices or computers.
The lack of security updates on legacy OS also impacts your
business compliance with GDPR and security accreditations. If your business
handles customer data on rugged devices, using legacy OS is a breach of GDPR as
it is likely to increase the chances of a breach (knowingly or unknowingly). In
addition, if your business is accredited or certified for its cyber security
measures (such as Cyber Essentials), this may be withdrawn as a legacy OS is a sign of a lack of
Continuing to use a legacy OS on rugged devices is likely to
impact its functionality and compatibility with new systems and apps. Not only
will legacy operating systems require more program maintenance once official OS
support and updates are withdrawn, but also will also likely only be compatible
with legacy apps and software. This means that using a rugged device with a legacy
OS, your business is unlikely to be able to adopt new software or apps without
the need for some adaption which can be very time-consuming. It also means that
your business will not be able to easily adopt new working practices or benefit
from new technology.
In addition to the issues that come with legacy OS and apps,
it’s also likely that your rugged device is not as efficient, fast or
productive as it would be with a new OS. For example, your current rugged
device that uses Windows CE may require 10 steps to inventory check each item
whereas moving to Android would only require 3 steps. This may not seem like
much but if this is with every item, the time adds up. Android also has the
additional benefit that many staff in their personal lives will use Android
mobile phones and other tech so will be more familiar with its interface –
helping to speed up training.
How we can help
If your rugged devices are running a legacy OS like Windows
CE, and you’re looking to move to Android, we can help. We’re on hand to help
transform your operations with rugged Android devices by providing a robust
support structure, covering any recently launched models until 2030 as a
minimum. You can rest assured that you’ll receive all the help from TouchStar
you may need to make the transition. To find out more about our Android
solutions and how they could benefit your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.